With Cabinet of Wonders, visitors can effortlessly navigate through exhibitions featuring hundreds or thousands of objects. convenient.
Using the visitor route design tool, you can craft tailored narratives for different audiences. You can also design cross-section tours of exhibitions and displays.
The app automatically creates personalized routes based on each visitor’s interests and preferences. With Cabinet of Wonders, everyone will find the exhibits that captivate them most.
Cabinet advises visitors on the best way to reach the exhibits that interest them. No more wandering around the museum. No more paper maps.
Use the app to easily provide context for each exhibit. Cabinet of Wonders supports various multimedia formats, allowing you to associate unlimited images, descriptions, audio, or video with each exhibit.
From quizzes to puzzles to treasure hunts, Cabinet of Wonders uses a variety of gamification methods to encourage visitors to explore the exhibition and stimulate their curiosity.
Using generative AI and advanced technologies, Cabinet of Wonders makes its content accessible to all visitors. It automatically generates highest-quality translations and audio, ensuring a seamless experience.
Mammoths were the majestic ancestors of today's elephants. They dominated the cold steppes of the Ice Age. These massive creatures weighed the equivalent of a small truck. Had thick fur and massive tusks...
Mammuts waren die majestätischen Vorfahren der heutigen Elefanten, die die kalten Steppen der Eiszeit beherrschten. Diese massiven Geschöpfe wogen so viel wie ein kleiner Lastwagen. Sie hatten ein dickes Fell und massive Stoßzähne...
Mamuti byli majestátní předci dnešních slonů, kteří vévodili chladným stepím doby ledové. Tito mohutní tvorové vážili podobně jako menší nákladní vůz. Disponovali hustým kožichem a mohutnými kly...
Мамонти були величними предками сучасних слонів, які домінували в холодних степах Льодовикового періоду. Ці масивні істоти важили як невелика вантажівка. Вони мали густе хутро і масивні бивні...
长毛象是今天大象的祖先,在冰河时期的寒冷大草原上雄踞一方。这些庞然大物的重量相当于一辆小型卡车 它们有厚厚的皮毛和巨大的象牙...
Simply prepare your content in your native language, and Cabinet of Wonders will automatically translate it into dozens of languages. This feature makes your museum more accessible to international visitors.
Reading texts can be exhausting. Cabinet can convert all written content into audio, allowing visitors to experience it simultaneously in multiple formats. Just put on a headset and enjoy.
You don't need any special skills to create a mobile guide. You can create or edit content in the app independently, intuitively, and with minimal effort. Plus, you won’t be alone—our friendly support team and expert consultants are here to assist you. We’re happy to help with everything from technical issues to designing the perfect visitor experience.
Need help? If you're pressed for time, we’d be happy to develop the entire app for you. Simply share your texts and multimedia related to your museum, exhibitions, and displays, and we’ll take care of the rest.
The user interface is designed with a strong focus on accessibility and inclusion. Additionally, content is automatically translated into various languages and converted into audio.
Cabinet of Wonders makes routes, collections, themes, and exhibits accessible beyond the museum building, bringing them to anyone with an internet connection.
Cabinet of Wonders connects with social media, making it easy for users to share insights and suggest what to see.
The service offers numerous opportunities to showcase your brand, from museum profiles to itineraries and exhibits.Your museum will be seen everywhere as the source of exceptional content.
The service’s accessibility aligns with data protection. Cabinet of Wonders adheres to OWASP security standards and safeguards user data in compliance with international GDPR privacy regulations.
Cabinet of Wonders is suitable for museums of all sizes. Want to be among the first to offer it to your visitors? Let’s collaborate!